Centrally manage a full range of OpenWiFi 2.0 devices through a single platform

Hsinchu, Taiwan, October 25, 2022 – Edgecore Networks, a leading provider of traditional and open network solutions for enterprises, data centers, and telecommunication service providers, today announces the launch of its own TIP OpenWiFi cloud controller – Edgecore ecOpen Cloud Controller, which adopts the TIP CloudSDK architecture to manage all OpenWiFi 2.0 devices, enabling the integration of TIP OpenWiFi for MSPs/enterprises to achieve a cloud-to-end multi-vendor Wi-Fi network infrastructure.

Edgecore ecOpen Cloud Controller not only supports the management of Edgecore and other brands of OpenWiFi 2.0 devices, but also actively expands the OpenWiFi device and cloud management functions based on the TIP OpenWiFi technology roadmap, providing MSPs/enterprise customers with the space to develop their own Wi-Fi innovative value-added applications. Meanwhile, Edgecore continues to collaborate with third-party application developers to accelerate the growth of the global OpenWiFi ecosystem.

Edgecore has worked closely with many MSPs/enterprise customers to accelerate the introduction of OpenWiFi architecture into various Wi-Fi network application scenarios, and provides professional technical consulting services to all customers ready to kick off an OpenWiFi project. The Edgecore OpenWiFi expert team – Edgecore Oxherd (https://wifi.edge-core.com/news/ec-oxherd) will assist customers in accelerating the process in every phase to shorten the time to build their own OpenWiFi network effectively.

Edgecore officially launched a 3-month free trial of the ecOpen Cloud Controller, providing CloudSDK cloud management services with unlimited sites and APs. Along with the trial, the Edgecore Oxherd Team will provide professional technical consultation for customers participating in the trial, including, but not limited to, OpenWiFi AP firmware version/function consultation, Cloud Controller settings, etc. (For more information, please contact oxherd@edge-core.com.)

Edgecore also rolled out the OpenWiFi technical support resource pool, offering OpenWiFi Tutor Book and Edgecore OpenWiFi Solution Guide to support MSPs, enterprises, and customers in various fields. Customers can easily visit the Edgecore Wi-Fi website (https://wifi.edge-core.com/openwifi) to get the latest information on OpenWiFi network installation, technology development, and use cases anywhere and anytime.

“Edgecore’s expertise in cloud controllers has made the OpenWiFi 2.0 stack accessible and practical for a wide variety of deployment scenarios that not only meet different customer needs but also help MSPs/enterprises generate more business possibilities.” said Tengtai Hsu, Vice President of Edgecore Networks, “Edgecore has been and will remain devoted to the growth of OpenWiFi, bringing more innovative applications and services to complete and strengthen the ecosystem.”

Edgecore ecOpen Cloud Controller is now in service. A 3-month free trial is now also available, providing customers with firsthand experience. For more information, please contact openwifi@edge-core.com.

About Edgecore Networks
Edgecore Networks Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of Accton Technology Corporation, the leading networking ODM. Edgecore Networks delivers wired and wireless networking products and solutions through channel partners and system integrators worldwide for data center, service provider, enterprise, and SMB customers. Edgecore Networks is the leader in open networking, providing a full line of open 1G-800G Ethernet switches, core routers, cell site gateways, optical packet transponders, and Wi-Fi access points. Edgecore offers a choice of commercial and open-source NOS and network application solutions.
For more information, visit www.edge-core.com.

Edgecore Media Contact
Lucille Lu
✉️ lucille_lu@edge-core.com
☎️ +886-3-505-3674

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