Enterprise SONiC

What is SONiC ( Software for Open Networking in the Cloud )

SONiC is an open source network operating system based on Linux that runs on merchant silicon-based platforms. It breaks monolithic switch soſtware into multiple containerized components; network operators can plug in new components, third-party, proprietary, or open sourced soſtware, with minimum effort, and tailor SONiC to their specific scenarios. Thus resulting in a much higher system availability where users can easily manage a variety of services. 

Enterprise SONiC 

It is an open, production-ready, commercially deployable hardware-software design. Edgecore provides end-to-end services and support for SONiC at different stages including presales and post sales services, such as Plan and Design Service, Deployment Service, Hardware Support Service and Software Support Service. 


Edgecore Service


Support & Maintenance Service

  Per-switch subscription
  Access on-line support database
  Access to new releases as available
  Contact support via Edgecore Support Portable or email


Edgecore Switches Use Cases with SONiC

Edgecore Networks provides a full line of open networking switches from 1G, 10G, 25G, 100G to 400G switches for use cases, such as data centers, enterprises, retails and high performance computing. Community SONiC has been further tested and hardened to ensure production-ready deployment on all Edgecore open networking 1G-400G switches. 


Benefit from a Hardened/Tested Solution

In order to harden SONiC on Edgecore platforms to a commercially-deployable quality level, Edgecore invested in a development and testing environment that supports a Continuous Integration (CI) workflow with fully automated code commit acceptance and regression testing. This development and testing environment is built on infrastructure provided by a tier-1 public cloud service provider. Remote access to Edgecore's environment is possible worldwide via VPN.

To complete the hardening, each Enterprise SONiC release goes through additional qualifications that include specific system tests that reflect a common deployment workflow. We also conduct optics/transceiver testing, and scaling factors of various SONiC features that have chip dependencies.


Providing an Ecosystem of Values

Edgecore works with application and service providers to provide an ecosystem of values for operators to build up the SONiC deployment for their applications. From pre-deployment SONiC validations to deployment netops to post deployment monitoring, troubleshooting, and error recovery, Edgecore offers choices to customers; these value-adds are all optional. Each of the apps or services are pre-qualified on Enterprise SONiC and Edgecore hardware platforms.


Edgecore Resources

✔  SONiC Website                              ✔  SONiC Datasheet and White Papers           ✔  SONiC Technical Video       
✔  SONiC Introduction Video              ✔  SONiC Webinar                              
              ✔  SONiC Knowledge Base    

For more SONiC product information, different levels of service and business models, please contact for details.