Disaggregated Network Demo


This unique End-to-End Network Demo highlights the interoperability of TIP technologies – OpenRAN, vRAN Fronthaul, Edge Computing, Disaggregated Cell Site Gateways (DCSG), Cassini, Crowdcell, & OpenCellular – with cutting-edge new vendors. Together, this suite of telecom solutions utilizes a software-centric, vendor-neutral approach showcasing the value of disaggregation and the power of interoperability for more agile networks at lower cost.

Demo Description
Showcasing the interoperability of these technologies, this demonstration utilizes general purpose processing platforms and white box devices to establish the key components necessary for a telecommunications network – from core, to transport, and RAN. This disaggregated approach allows for greater flexibility, capitalizing on the strengths of each component. To adapt to available transmission, the network can utilize either vRAN for constrained fronthaul and OpenRAN for unconstrained fronthaul. As DCSG aggregates incoming traffic from the radio access network, Cassini focuses on transporting the traffic up to the Core. Both OpenCellular and CrowdCell complement this basic framework, each offering unique capabilities: OpenCellular for cost effective, rural deployment, and Crowdcell for coverage extension through relay functionalities. Edge Computing optimizes traffic management, allowing selected content to be delivered more efficiently, decreasing latency and transport costs, and enabling new applications and services.

Featured TIP Project Groups
•  OpenRAN migrates 2G, 3G, and 4G RAN solutions to a software-centric, general purpose processor hardware RAN.
•  vRAN Fronthaul enables RAN virtualization over wide range of existing transport medium (DOCSIS, G.Fast, Microwave, Ethernet, etc) 
•  Edge Computing and Edge Application Developer leverages edge infrastructure to enable new services and applications.
•  Open Optical and Packet Transport: builds Disaggregated Cell Site Gateway (DCSG) devices for upcoming 5G and greenfield 4G/3G/2G networks and Cassini, a disaggregated packet optical transponder with L1 and L2/L3 transport functions. 
•  Crowdcell provides an indoor coverage solution based on LTE Relay concept.  
•  OpenCellular enables rural base stations to bring connectivity and coverage into under served and unconnected locations with low population density.

TIP Technologies Across the Network

•  TIP addresses the entire end-to-end network, demonstrating that interoperable TIP solutions can be applied across Access, Backhaul, and Core.  
•  With more flexibility, operators can optimize for faster deployments and more responsive upgrades that allow for the quick replacement of individual components, rather than replacing entire monolithic solutions.  
•  An open and healthy ecosystem of vendors generates choice and encourages a consistent pipeline of new innovation. 
•  More cost-effective than traditional solutions.  

What next
•  Learn more about the Telecom Infra Project
•  Join one of the featured Project Groups to learn more and contribute
OpenRAN  |  vRAN Fronthaul  |  Edge Computing  |  Open Optical and Packet Transport  |  CrowdCell  |  OpenCellular  |  Edge Application Developers 
•  Contact us with questions or comments:   

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