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Edgecore SONiC Solution

            (Software for Open Networking in the Cloud)

            SONiC is a modern network operating system that allows users to containerize applications and connect them quickly across the
            network. It gives users a common language to deploy applications on open hardware, and operate each application independently
            without bringing the whole system down. Thus resulting in a much higher system availability where users can easily manage a
            variety of services.

            Enterprise SONiC Distribution by Edgecore is a hardened, open distribution of SONiC that runs on Edgecore open networking
            switches. Microsoft and many other key players, including Edgecore, lead the SONiC community, delivering a robust and proven
            software infrastructure that enables customers to build highly portable and scalable data center networks.

            Edgecore brings an open, production ready, commercially deployable distribution of SONiC on Edgecore platforms. This is a
            hardened and supported distribution – which is derived directly from the community SONiC base. The target use case of Edgecore
            SONiC is primarily the data center, although we are now expanding to the enterprise retail space.

            ●  We  provide  integration  with  third-party  offerings  to  help     ●  SONiC  is  published  for  all  to  see  –  allowing  review  and
               automate and validate the overall data center network.  checking against “back doors”, or scanning for known
                                                                 security vulnerabilities. This provides an inherent level of
            ●  Configurable  software  with  container-based  architecture    security.
               allows users to add or disable existing functionality through   ●  Edgecore  supports  SONiC  across  the  full  spectrum  of
               various configuration mechanisms.                 devices – from 1G data center switching up through 10G and
                                                                 25G top-of-rack or leaf switches, and then 100G and 400G
                                                                 for the spine or super-spine layer.

                                                                             NetOps Software
            The key value of the Edgecore SONiC solution is to enable                       ORCHESTRATION
                                                                              Netris  Ansible  K8S  MANAGEMENT
            it to be deployed in production networks with confidence.
            Edgecore has greatly enhanced and extended tests suitable
            for SONiC, ensuring the full suite of SONiC functionality works                         NETWORK
            on Edgecore’s platforms. Customers are able to deploy the                               COMPONENTS
            product in real data-center networks with confidence, as
            well as knowing that this solution is ready for business.  SWITCH
                                                                HOST                Switch Abstraction   HARDWARE
                                                                                    Interface       PROGRAMMING
                                                                                   SAI-To no SAI-Trident SAI-Tomahawk  INTERFACE
            Edgecore’s SONiC distribution is validated with a variety of
            optics and cables delivered from Edgecore as well as industry
            sources. This ensures that the overall system - switch           Edgecore Hardware  OPEN
                                                                             1G-400G        NETWORKING
            hardware, NOS, and connectivity are proven to work together,     To no Trident Tomahawk  HARDWARE
            removing concerns about platform level interoperability.

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